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Empowerment of Women

In parallel at the national Conference of Social Welfare III conducted by the National Board of Indonesia for the Social Welfare (DNIKS) in Bukit Tingggi, conducted with the workshop topics that the committee has been set. The glow of a record in the workshop will write in the News Bulletin Social BKKKS East Java. For the initial phase of this topic will be written for Women, as well as in the framework of Mother's Day on 22 December 2005.

Four speaker workshops, namely, Setyasih Priherlina Vice Chairman of Commission IV DPRD Batam, the material causes for Women; Modesta Sutopo, head of Social, Health and Welfare (KOWANI), paper manyampaikan Factors resistor for Women; Aryo Good, S. Sos , M. Soc, Vice Chairman of the National Council of Social Welfare for Indonesia (DNIKS) submit material for Women's Empowerment through Microfinance: a Poverty Reduction Efforts and Khairil Ansari members of the Board of Indonesia for the National Social Welfare (DNIKS), the material Diversion Language and Gender in Education: The cause of decline as the dignity and dignity of women. Following summary notes made by the Mother She Djoemra, Soetardjo mother, Mrs. April and Mrs. Erna Christien with editing redaksi.Pemberdayaan Women
Empowerment of Women is a women's efforts to gain access and control over resources, economic, political, sosialbudaya, so that women can organize themselves and increase self confidence are able to contribute and participate actively in solving the problem, so is able to build the capacity and the concept itself.
Setyasih decipher, the facts show that the position of women in Indonesia have ketertingggalan equity. Dropping this include low education and skills, the Maternal Mortality (AKI) is still high, the low productivity of economic activities of women, the low political participation of women in legislative and executive institutions, and social and cultural environment that is not conducive. The causes of dropping terdiskriminasi and women in Indonesia is due to: the values and patriarchal culture, laws and regulations that discriminatory system of discriminatory, the religious teachings of the bias. According Setyasih, the empowerment of women is important. This is mainly because the need to: dihargainya women as human rights, justice and development for gender equality, maternal mortality reduction, the development of human resources, development of social-political and economic balance, social development and the need for a non-discriminatory culture.

Therefore, according to Setyasih forward, and there are some potential opportunities in the empowerment of women. First, maraknya women's organizations and forums that a woman, where members are dominated by women, is one indicator that the potential of women is very large. This forum has many opportunities to be developed into a venue for women to develop themselves and to develop an understanding of the importance of the role of women in all aspects of life. Second, the social activities undertaken by many women, also provide opportunities for women to increase awareness and enhance political participation and representation / political representation of women at the same time develop the political discourse of a woman. Third, women who do social activities have more opportunity for discussion, deliberation, increase knowledge, dialogue, and engage in organized. Most important points in this case is a woman can do? Bargaining position. Fourth, social activities, followed by the popularity of women is also an asset in the form of a network, formed at the union effective in the commitment to make a change and determine a selection together. Fifth, to optimize the potential of women, who have roots in the region rumpuh (grass roots) through social activities, making it possible to change the culture / the pattern of policy which have to be top down bottom up.

From the practical point of view, the empowerment of women can be understood as an effort to eliminate what the obstacle for the success of the empowerment of women. According to Modesta Sutopo, some of the most strategic factors as the resistor is discriminatory education, health, gender is not berkeadilan and domestic violence. Therefore education activities that are required in order to remove the violence against women to enhance women's empowerment, among others: education justice and gender equality, education-conscious law (women will know their obligations and rights), education and skills development, guidance and religious counseling, and education pranikah.
AKI in the field of health are still high, namely 421 out of 100,000 people live births. Diperkirangan every 25 minutes one person dies due to maternal complications of pregnancy, abortion or childbirth. In many poor families found work load imbalance of men and women, where women's work is far more severe and often does not diperhitungakan pekerjaanya. Meanwhile, women get the nutrients that are far worse than the family members of men. This is related to the patriarchal values that favor the interests of men.

Empowerment of Women through SMEs
Good Aryo provide views of DNIKS, that the empowerment of women can be done through microfinance activities (small medium business / SMEs). According Aryo, in general, there are three important issues that may emerge from the small medium businesses, namely: women can use the savings and micro-credit for productive economic (economic development) or micro enterprises, contributing to the increase in economic welfare to encourage the role of women in the decision-making in the family, with the increasing economic role of women can bring a change in gender roles and increased status in the household, community and the level is higher (on a larger scale of political and social change).
As a conclusion Aryo says, microfinance is one of the strategies that can provide the solution of problems faced by women and also the entry point for programs that aim to empower women, families and communities.

Gender Bias
Khairil Ansari to Amini-speaker before the speaker said that one of the factors barricade the empowerment of women is the gender bias. Dimasyarakat gender bias exist in the use of language revealed in the following: the name of a family status / marriage (to preserve the existence of family / customary to include the name of the father and the mother is not the name behind the name of child), and the existence of the designation of the action (for a masculine king forest, a feminine goddess of the night. It is also associated with a harassment dignity: WTS only for women only, while for men with the same profession have not yet sebutannya) Next menerut Ansari, also the concept of dignity degradation (a working mother / career woman who has revenue is higher than her husband but admitted only to assist the husband). Bias also occurs because of gender restrictions berkebebasan, keniscayaan structure due to the cultural conventions, and lack of freedom of expression initiatives in the communication.

Education that should be sterile from gender bias and can make changes as it functions as the agent of change, according to Ansari, the land would become fertile place sustainability gender. Build community stereotype for what a reasonable man, and what may be done by women. Therefore, most often we read in the book are examples of the car engine to improve the father and mother sewing clothes.
Gender-bias problems that occur in language and education, is not a simple issue. This is because dealing with the cultural aspects and views of life in Indonesian society, which eventually jump in the various aspects of life. Many of the changes that are expected to occur, always oriented to the changes in society itself. Where these changes have a time dimension that does not change quickly. Fore expected to minimize the distortions that, so hopefully will be able to lift the dignity and the dignity of women.